Mahina • /ma-hee-na/ • Hawai’ian n. Moon
“Just like moons and like suns, with the certainty of tides, just like hopes springing high, still I’ll rise.”
- Maya Angelou
Our Services
Individual Therapy
One-on-one sessions guided by intention, collaboration, and self-reflection, individual therapy provides a space to learn about yourself and build lifelong skills to better manage your mental health.
Couples Therapy
When there’s harmony and balance in our relationships, the stuff of life can seem easier to tackle. Whether for a relationship “tune up” or healing from a big rupture, couples therapy can help you and your partner move forward together with confidence, security, and strength.
Corporate Sleep Consulting
Help your employees sleep better, to work better. Bringing a practical, evidence-based sleep workshop to your organization with the aim of improving profit, productivity, and workplace culture.
More about
A Californian native, Dr. Elise Landau brings her experience helping clients from around the world rediscover their inner strengths. Using evidence-based practices and a warm, nonjudgmental approach, Elise helps make therapy feel productive, energizing, and empowering, creating a safe space where clients can explore challenges, build resilience, and foster meaningful growth.